New site. Needs feedback.

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • 24 Responses
  • 4ormat0

    Thank you everyone for the feedback. I really appreciate it.

    detritus & e-pill : I agree with both of you on the yellow button. It was a difficult choice. We didn't want to stick another red button in the header as we wanted the logo to be the only red element that grabs the eyes attention. At the same time we didn't want to repeat the yellow signup button in the body. Overall we think it was a good compromise. We might reconsider in the future.

    I agree on the forums. This is the page we spent the least amount of time on. It will improve in the future. Same goes for the About page.

    Frosty_spl: Yes the $4.99 vs 4.99$ was also a conscious choice as well. I have seen this done before in various annuals.

    I also agree with you on the button. We had them plain and simple at first but noticed that they didn't not jump our enough against all the other visuals. We had to sacrifice simplicity for attention.

    Yes there are. There is always room for more QBN members.
    Just use the invite code "qbn2"

    Keep it coming.

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