Can you believe it??

Out of context: Reply #47

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    Look, no one's arguing we've engineered modern civilisations to be dependant on a certain resource. And I will be the first one to admit I enjoy the benefits of that resource, from my MacBook Pro right on down to the plasticky bits on my French coffee press.

    Dependency, however, should _not_ exclude moderation, and should not equal excess. Do you _need_ an SUV? No. Do you _need_ every single one of Apple's new products every quarter? No. Do we _need_ to waste untold hundreds of millions of litres on shipping crap quality good from China, when there are whole countries (like the United States) whose manufacutring and local business has been literally decimated? Absolutely not.

    So it's incumbent upon us - as the primary consumer and beneficiaries of oil and its products - to see where we can make changes so that we not only slow down our consumption of a finite resource, but also see where we can innovate to eliminate its use altogether.

    This is the _real_ crux of the issue.

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