my thoughs on HTML5

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • ifeltdave0

    the rise of html5 is just going to mean that you have to understand more than ever the proper use of a technology. Flash will still have it's place for quite sometime. It's not going to die overnight, no matter what Steve Jobs wishes.

    Mobile is taking over the scene, this we know for sure. We also know that the vast majority of mobile users have devices that simply cannot support a flash experience, even one optimized specifically for mobile devices. As other tablets start to compete with the iPad, I'm sure we'll see flash experiences on these devices that rival performance on an average desktop.

    We're talking about technology here, people. Tech changes, and we change with it or we become obsolete.. plain and simple. Its always been the case and it will continue to be the case for the foreseeable future.

    Adapt or be eaten.

    • Yes, ADAPT OR DIEukit
    • no. be eaten. that is what he said
    • getting eaten usually implies deathukit
    • adapt or die
      eat or be eaten
      would have been better
    • "I'm sure we'll see flash experiences on these devices "
      I'll adapt to that, by continuing to use Flash.

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