Limited revision techniques

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • monNom0

    If they change their mind who's fault is that? Be real with them about the time expended on the first draft and talk options for the remaining budget, or ask for more time/money to do the job right.

    Regarding colour changes and different fonts: As a professional, you need to control the project. You do this all the time and they do it seldom... and they hired you to get it done because you know how to do it. You might not get it 100% right the first time, but don't resort to the shotgun approach as it's just going to compound their indecision. When you get a request like the above, find out what they feel is missing, and present 1 proof that addresses their concerns. If they can't express a reason for another option other than "to see some more options" tell them this is the best option, and tell them why it is the best, given their brief. Sometimes people just need to be reassured.

    ... also sometimes you did a shit first pass and they don't know how to tell you to make it right.

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