BP oil spill

Out of context: Reply #483

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  • georgesIII0

    too tired to think in english right now but iìll try,
    let say most of the 20 first countries are either island or countries that have severe weather that oscillate between the extreme hot to extremely cold,
    es: singapour, kuwait, qatar, etc are countries that consume more energy because the weather is too warm to keep anything fresh so they must run air con constantly (jk, but it is kinda true) and other appliances to keep it cool. My first summer in seoul, I almost died because of how warm and humid it was.

    you have the islands who depend mostly on imported goods thus they will necessarily consume more energy, they're not connected to any other land and most them depend on a heavy amount of gas/oil to have a decent lifestyle. e.g virgin island, antilles, faroe island, iceland, etc

    another example is canada and groenland, winter can last up to 8 month is some parts and you need to keep warm, you know if you want to survive.

    now we have Luxembourg, hmmmm they're freaking rich, they just don't give a damm :)

    to really evaluate the oil consumption, we should see in what mode the oil imported or produced is used not just the consumption pro capita.
    and example is virgin island, don't you think their tourism industry pushes their consumption way high?

    • sorry for the broken english
      it is almost 2 am I'm going to bed

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