BP oil spill

Out of context: Reply #381

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  • ukit0

    Yeah, boo fucking hoo.

    Exxon I believe holds the record for the highest profit ever recorded by a U.S. company in history ($40 billion or so, back on 2008). It's not like these guys are scraping by or something.

    Who know who will be though? Every small business in that region whose livelihood depended on fishing, tourism, or otherwise making use of something they sort of figured would be around in usable form, the ocean.

    We're talking about an affected area that is larger, geographically speaking, than many small countries here that Beyond Petroleum just shited all over.

    If British Poo, or their contemporaries at Exxon or Chevron need to give up a couple billion in profits with a rigorous safety regime to help guarantee something like this doesn't happen again, it would almost certainly be worth it in terms of overall economic impact. Keep in mind BP has pretty much kneecapped their competitors as well by ensuring that whole region will not be accessible in the near future.

    • so are u suggesting spending 40 billion dollars on a safety measure that has liek a .001 chance of failure? what is this safety measure you talk ofdeathboy
    • safety measure you talk of? is this just 20/20 hindsight irrational talk? are the small peopel getting proper help when bp has 2 second guess every move for PRdeathboy
    • when bp have to second guess every action, or are busy doing damage control to PR. get more with sugar then vinegardeathboy
    • I think you need to read some Nassim Taleb about randomness and catastrophic failureTheBlueOne
    • "40 billion dollars on a safety measure that has liek a .001 chance of failure"TheBlueOne
    • .01 percent of failure = way more than $40 billion. Welcome to random reality motherfuckerTheBlueOne
    • dude di u not see i was speakign generally, hell i dont even know what failure is being suggested or any odds.deathboy

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