Tropical storm

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • Ambushstudio0

    So this is what's going on:
    On thursday Pacaya Volcano (around 50km from the city) starts erupting really hardcore, the explosions sent rocks as big as a soccer ball flying through the air and destroyed many towns close to the volcano, thousands where evacuated.

    The volcano eruption covered many towns and the main city with a 2 inch layer of ash/volcanic sand, at the same time a tropical depression started going on and heavy rain started pouring from Thursday night.

    Friday was not enough time to clean the streets and roads from the sand, saturday we get hit by Agatha, records were broken as it didn't rain that hard since the 40's, so now all the sewage system is clogged with the sand which became a very solid mixture of volcanic ash, sand and water.

    That big hole you see there is the result of that, all that water that was supposed to be in the sewage system, filtrated down and started excavating huge caves underneath, and got mixed with the underground rivers and BLAM! that happened a couple years ago, luckily no one died this time, my friend who's a graphic designer BTW, lives less than a block from there, ant they're being evacuated too as you can totally hear the water running under all the houses, fucking scary if you ask me.

    So now the country is in shreds, all the main highways are blocked, more than 30 very important bridges went down with the current, hundreds of thousands are homeless, the whole city is covered with now dry ash, and the fucking volcano keeps going off like crazy.

    Totally feels like the end of the world around here, luckily we're ok, all our families are cool and nothing really hardcore happened around where we are, still waiting for the weather to stay nice so the rescue teams can work and people can get saved, more later...

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