What tool for future multimedia?

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  • stewdio0

    I'm sure some piece of software will attempt to fill the void, but I don't think anything will have the staying power that Flash had. If in the future you're really feeling some timeline nostalgia you could always open up After Effects, right? :p

    I'm working on a very simple animation scheme for Ruby that's of course code-based (rather than created using a visual interface like the Flash IDE) but the code framework is lightweight and flexible enough for me to use on future projects. Although it's code, it carries the notion of nested timelines... and even nested origins in 3D space. And it's simple to play with those timelines. When it gets to a good spot I might open-source it. And would probably port it to JavaScript and integrate it somehow with ProcessingJS or similar... I imagine there are quite a few people doing this sort of thing so the near future might be you picking between many small home-brew animation frameworks. (Or even a simplified Maya somehow?) Whether for Web interface stuff or data viz movie making. It makes sense that at least Flash designers who enjoyed using AS3 directly over using the Flash timeline GUI who go down this code road. But who knows.

    If you're really ready to drop the timeline then you can jump in on the mini-revolution of openFrameworks, Cinder, Processing, etc.

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