cry for help inspired by first legal-criminal issues/battles

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • applepirate0

    ive poured myself into reading fiction like never before, just looking for chances to get out of my head(depression) long enough to have an epiphany.

    been burning thru a solid 250-600 page novel a day for the last 10 days. catching up on all the stuff i said.... "well if i could ever just find the time to get off the mac long enough to read"

    something about realizing i am "drifting" is a lot easier while reading a paperback. attempting to recall/retain what the hell the last paragraph was all about is really hard when your dwelling on personal shit. never realized what an amazing outlet a good book was until now. my ADD style of live/work having a mac on the lap with half the CS4 suite open, 3 browsers with 20+ tabs a piece, movies downloading for my future consumption was such an amazing way to tune out the real world by conning myself into thinking i was somehow more in touch with it.

    the real world is now upon me. and its making me finally grow up and attempt at being an adult. i would have never expected it to take something like this to make it happen but it is what it is.

    these first responses brought me out of a really deep hole i was in at 2am my time. Thx QBN(amicus,fax_benson, DoktorDavid)!

    • You're welcome man - you've rec'd some good advice - small steps, bro.DoktorDavid

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