The Pacific.

Out of context: Reply #42

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  • tOki0

    I'm really looking forward to seeing it when it comes to Australia!

    My grandfather was a tank driver for the Australian Army and helped defend against the Japanese when they got to Papua New Guinea. My mother told me when she was a child that her parents made a point of not eating asian food or buying japanese products even 30 years after the war had ended.

    My parents set up a boarding house for international students and as a child I grew up surrounded by a lot of asian people. My grandparents always were very sour for that and I don't think they ever forgave my mother. I've travelled around asia and been to japan 5 times and lived there for almost a year, I also have a long term Japanese girlfriend who I live with. She doesn't know anything about the war, they don't teach that part of their (and the rest of the worlds) history in Japan as it is still a very sensitive issue. We were watching band of brothers and she didn't know anything about the war in Europe. She was shocked to then find out when I explained to her what Japan did during those years.

    Amazing how the world changes and our perceptions of it...

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