The Pacific.

Out of context: Reply #30

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  • ghandolf0

    On one of my father's missions, they came up on German Jet fighters. They had the first jet fighters. They couldn't quite get a 'bead' on them, because of their speed. He said it was terrifying, and they were shot up pretty badly.

    After the battle, the bottom ball-turret gunner radioed that he was freezing and needed a blanket. He was advised to plug in his 'heater pants' - which he said didn't work. They had a lengthy discussion about why his pants wouldn't work, and to try this, or that... Finally the pilot said to 'cut the chatter' and dad went over to the ball turret to see what was the matter. Turns out, the jet buzzing by the bomber had scared the kid in the ball turret so badly, he pissed his pants, shorting out his heater pants. Dad handed him a blanket and told him that he was no more afraid or terrified than anyone else on board was.

    These are the kinds of stories he's tell. No real battle stories.
    I DO however, have several B&W photos that he took out the window of formation flying during missions.

    • yeah that's historically accurate. I remeber seeing a show in the German jet fighter and how it baffled the fliersJazX
    • far out - can only imagine what it must of been to actually be in these situations.inteliboy

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