Lumix GF1 vs Oly EP-1

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  • Hombre_Lobo0

    Nice image el_pix!

    You just cant go wrong with the EPL-1, had it been out when i bought my GF1 its hard to say which id choose. The IS is a beautiful thing. And people bang on about olympus jpeg colours...and they do so for a reason!

    you get the 17mm f2.8 lens? its a good un! Gets over-shadowed by the panasonic 20mm f1.7 - which is indeed better, but the olympus 17mm 2.8 is v v sharp, lovely lens i tell thee!!!

    the dream! - EPL1 + 20mm f1.7 - Low light king!!

    im helping a mate choose a camera soon and ill have good old feel (behave) of the EPL1, if the ergonomics are better than my GF1, they're will be problems!! :D

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