Logos with bulbs / lights

Out of context: Reply #17

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  • Stugoo0

    well not really but funny story.
    i made this for an exercise for an interview about 3 years ago.

    (it's terrible I know)

    I met the guy who would have been my direct boss and got on really well with him. There and then I scheduled the 2nd interview and talked about a 'design and build' task.

    However upon leaving it was pouring down with rain, my umbrella flipped inside out and I got soaked going home.

    I caught a brutal cold, and tried to re-arrange the 2nd interview, but the 'client' was only in town that week and off on holiday for a fortnight, so they wanted to get it in before he went away.

    the brief was supposed to be for a logo and a web page for a travel insurance company that would take you to space so I got doped up on lemsips and 'got to work'

    the day of the 2nd interview came and I was still ropey. I met the 'client' who was pretty much the in house marketing guy, shook his hand and caught myself off guard.
    I coughed flem onto my lip right after shaking hands with the guy and was fucking mortified.

    I managed to recover a bit by the guy who brought me in by explaining my illness and them taking one look at me and thinking 'shit, he shouldn't be here'.

    Upon critiquing the work all the 'client' could muster was. 'it looks like a light bulb',
    then i showed him this :

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