Apple iSlate

Out of context: Reply #79

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  • airey0

    to reword my scrooge like comment above, here's an analogy.

    what's more important, a tv or the tv shows on it. is a 90 inch lcd hd tv better than a shitbox if all you can get is basic free-to-air?

    the tablet / slate will come and the new version of it will appear within 2 years and on and on.

    the new forms of content that will come from this excite me but a computer is a computer.

    apologies for naysaying people like janne76 that are excited by the device in and of itself, that's groovy. i've just never understood the excitement over the perpetual engine that is the computer. i literally did a computer course in 'logo' when i was 10 or so and used a commodore 64 as enter-fucking-so-called-tainment so these steps forward kind of seem standard.

    unless you're over 30 you can't imagine how much i enjor modern warfare 2 on the 360 compared to the god damned commodore64 gaming days.

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