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Out of context: Reply #8

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  • dyspl0

    I like the 1st one.
    I bet on the following client feedback

    we like the option 2, but with the structure and colour of the version1.
    maybe add some purple since our office is in purple and we like this colr as well.
    We're close to the result, thanks.

    ps : coud you add a little more pop to the design? we need people to actually think we are the cooler grass beef provider.
    ps2 : we would like to see the result with a more modern webfont, like some sort of computer font, since we plan to launch our new beef with a taste of 2.0 in it (tagline from the ad agency we work with)

    • This is actually completely incorrect. This is by far one of the best clients I've ever worked with.dMullins
    • Internally, at my agency, is where some of the issues lie on this project.dMullins
    • glad to hear. I've worked with a few good ones ( amazingly thy're also the ones who pay the most and fastest)dyspl
    • This is certainly the case here. Everything about this client is pleasant!dMullins

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