philippe starke design prog on BBC

Out of context: Reply #13

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  • lukus_W0

    I thought this was reasonably interesting (or at least it's got the potential to be).

    The one thing that I _CANNOT STAND_ is the narration. There seems to be a trend at the BBC where the programme makers seem intent on providing an narration designed for very stupid people, which describes exactly what the viewer should be thinking, and joining the dots soooo precisely that original though is no longer required while watching their programmes. It's dumbing down to an absolutely insulting level.

    Perhaps they've run out of people who can create TV-narrative using video; so they've been _forced_ to sink to the level of stringing video-clips together using this overly verbose narrative. Whatever the reason is I hate it.

    • i think, since it is a public broadcaster, they just take responsibility by making it as accessible as possible.freitag
    • yeah, maybe you're right .. I think it sometimes goes too far thoughlukus_W
    • and I'm sure the 'stupid people' they aim it at actually exist.lukus_W
    • *not surelukus_W
    • oh they exist!set
    • yeah it annoyed me that too when that random dude would say something like....jay_jay
    • "a light just come on in the house, someone is awake"...yes, I just saw it, thanks.jay_jay

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