
Out of context: Reply #14

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  • TheBlueOne0


    I know what you mean. Last year I completely tore my ACL in my knee. Luckily I had coverage, and the operation was covered basically in full, but the surgery cost was around $85,000. And that was so I could essentially walk again without my knee sliding apart (not a feeling I recommend). Of course the key to a successful operation like that is not just a good surgeon but also about six to eight months of some pretty hardcore physical rehab. I had to fight with my insurance coverage to get beyond the bare minimum after eight weeks, and basically covered two months out of pocket - 3 sessions a week at $80 bucks it added up quick.

    I mentioned this in the politics thread and our resident dickhead basically said "oh boo hoo hoo"...well fuck this retard. Like I said I was lucky that I had insurance and I have enough money to cover this shit now.

    Eight years ago I had surgery on my other knee for torn cartiledge and had bare minimum coverage. I ended up getting hit with $15 grand for that, and ended up in bankruptcy because of that (on top of a business I was involved in with a friend went south, leaving me holding the bag on that as well). I was lucky that I was a single guy with little overhead and no family or wife depending on me. And that the injury was just a one time thing I mean I recovered from that financially now where I am in great shape, but it was the worst period of my life.

    I can't imagine being seriously chronically ill with diabetes or cancer or whatever and having to eat those bills without insurance, or if your kid gets sick and you have no coverage. It's just insane.

    I'm not saying I'm totally down with Obama's plan here, but SOMETHING needs to be done here, and this fear mongering and intimidation is just so dysfunctional - kind of tells me our political culture is very sick.

    And just this week I'm reading about how some of these republican operatives are saying "Oh, look out for the democrats to scare you with this made up swine flu scare this fall." I'm incredulous. It's not a scare. It's a very real, reality based concern. My wife is a doctor and she gets CDC email updates on this shit and it's fucking scary. My wife will be going into her third trimester at the same time this flu will be revving up again this fall, and 9% of the total fatalities of this strain so far are pregnant women, mostly all in the third trimester. And given the fact that she is also a health care worker it doubles her risk of it's very personal and very concerning to me and to see dicktards in the media twist this for political capital just disgusts me.

    Anyway, as a word of advice, take care of your knees :)

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