Bootstrapping in Buenos Aires

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  • Meeklo0

    I am from Buenos Aires, and I can tell you that, whoever wrote that, hasn't been living there for more than a couple of months.

    Yes, the monetary difference its amazing the first few months. (Just to have an idea, a 2 bedroom place located in the "palermo" neighbourhood, with park view (very nice centric area, see photo below) will cost you around u$s300 a month with expenses and washer included. Imagine what you can get with your current salary. Sounds great right?

    When you start living there, you realize that because of the small level of manufacturing industries there, all electronics cost 3 times as much, so if you think macs are expensive here... same goes for cars and pretty much everything that its imported.

    Plane tickets also cost more, too, so if you are planning to travel back and forth your plan will not work as long as your clients want to meet face to face.

    I'm not saying its impossible, its just not as easy as it sounds.
    Also I'm not sure how is medellin/ or thailand in terms of design levels, but right now, Buenos Aires has incredible studios, already doing work for US/ Europe ad agencies/ companies, at levels that are just as good as top agencies, but they are able to compete because they charge 3 times less.

    So if you are planning to start your studio there, be ready to step up your game in order to compete with them.

    • hey! iran by this park almost every day when i was there!lvl_13
    • Nice I used to live 2 blocks from there, I went to the school on that park since kinderMeeklo
    • I see women laying half naked in the park. This looks promising.Gucci

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