help emu plan nyc trip...

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  • Greedo0

    i've you've never been to nyc, you gots to go to the met. it's like a law. don't let these jaded new yorkers talk you out of it.
    if your feet are sore, take a seat by the temple of dendur and either look out the window or watch the tourists saunter by. i'd check out their website and pick out a few things you care about to see, you can spend days in there.
    also, if you're on a budget, it's voluntary admission, you can just claim destitution and it's free.
    the guggenheim is just up the road a short walk, so you can kill two birds with one stone. although your head will be awfully full of art after those two.
    straight across central park from the met is the natural history museum, which, i think, is way better than the met. you can reenact that scene from royal tenenbaums and hide under a bench in the dioramas. or behold the squid wrestling with the whale and wonder about that.
    as a first timer, you also have to see the moloch that is times square, so you can behold the naked cowboy and what cheap plastic thrills america presents to the world. only then will you be able to put on your black beret and truly decry tasteless wanton capitalism, as you will have seen its navel. and think about what it would've looked like back when it was all porno theaters and illicit bookshops.
    maybe go to chinatown to experience some real nyc bustle, stop by pearl river ( ) to marvel at all the stuff, if you like jazz, hit the village vanguard or the blue note, if you like what i know you like, maybe check out the knitting factory, or maybe just pick up a copy of the new yorker, their listings are really for out-of-towners and pretty damn comprehensive and pick some stuff out. broadway below houston st is actually pretty interesting for that ny vibe, you'll wander into some good stores.
    if often feel like asking the people that live in a certain city are the worst people to ask for advice on this stuff, cause they're completely sick of the sights and will try to take you to places that are sooo unusual and thus probably stuff that you're quite used to, not being from there.
    as usual, i'm full of shit and know nothing. good luck.

    • you are a king among peasantsemukid
    • emu... the met is free, dont pay the "suggested price" i pay a 25ยข usuallye-pill
    • also you need 3 days in the met... its very large and you should explore it fully.e-pill

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