That Will Teach You

Out of context: Reply #24

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  • chossy0

    If you make a song available to download for free when normally it costs one dollar to buy and people download the free version 100 times how much money do you think you have missed out on?.

    I don't want to participate in this discussion anymore and respectfully withdraw from this thread. I think some of you have missed the point in this and are a bit too bullheaded to appreciate the loss that the record companies are making, not the artists as they already get paid from the record companies, they are happy as larry.

    • You're missing the point. Those other people are responsible for their own infringement.itsmitch
    • You're withdrawing because you know you're wrong.itsmitch
    • The record companies deserve that money but 1 person shouldn't pay for the entire group.itsmitch
    • They're just saving money on having to sue the each person individually by exploiting this situation.itsmitch
    • It would be smarter to find a better solution instead of suing the music fans.itsmitch
    • But they're not smart, are they? No, they're just fucking greedy.itsmitch
    • When the music industry dies, they won't care because they will have taken all the money they could.itsmitch
    • That's why they don't try to really fix things, they're already getting more money than they deserve.itsmitch
    • Dealer or junkie?. If I was the man in charge I would go for the dealer.chossy
    • I believe the phrase is "rats from a sinking ship" and rats is a good word for them.itsmitch
    • She's not a dealer. She downloaded the songs. The program automatically shared them.itsmitch
    • Shes guilty of not checking all the setting in the program or being computer proficientitsmitch
    • because they didn't prove (nor have they tried to prove) that she had "intent" to share the songsitsmitch
    • I'm not defending illegal downloads, and I respect record companies. I for one still buy records and books.Corvo2
    • I just think that this case sets a bad example (not that she's innocent, but the penalty is way too severe). Not toCorvo2

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