work life balance

Out of context: Reply #18

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  • fyoucher10

    - Make working out and exercise a priority. Everything will be better if youre physically on.
    - Set your own hours. I used to work non-stop. A ridiculous amount of hours. Now I work from 9am - 8pm or earlier, Monday through Friday. If clients want me to work late nights or weekends, then they need to pay more.
    - Save your money. Stop buying bullshit. Not having to worry about money makes life so much easier.
    - Stop fucking around. In all seriousness, if you log what you do all day and why you're working until 2 in the morning, it's because you're doing unnecessary shit. Like checking email, QBN, IMing, twittshit, day dreaming etc. Set a goal each day, get there, do all secondary shit --> second.
    - Fap regularly -- eases stress.

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