Joke of the Day

Out of context: Reply #98

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  • chris_himself0

    Little Johnny was in his grade 2 class when the teacher asked Johnny, "If there were 5 birds sitting on a fence and i shot one off, how many would be left?" To which Johnny answered, "none, once the gun shot goes off, they would all fly away"
    Actually Johnny the correct answer if 4, but i like the way u think!"
    Johnny then stands up and says, "K, Mrs., i got one for you...there are 3 women sitting on a bench eating ice cream cones. The first one is licking the cone, the second one if sucking the cone and the third one is biting the cone. Which one is married?"
    The teacher, all embarrassed, says, " Well johnny i guess the one sucking the cone."

    To which Johnny replies, " No, the one with the wedding ring. But I like the way u think!!"

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