Earth Day

Out of context: Reply #42

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  • styleplus0

    exerpt from page 2:
    @ _me_
    each individual can only do so much.

    If change is really to be affected, the change must come from INDUSTRY.

    why are there so many asphalt (petroleum by-product) roads and (petroleum-guzzling) automobiles in North America?
    and not so many super-fast trains? like in Asia? and Europe?

    because North America has the facility (heavily armed goons) to reap (rape) the resources of the planet.

    Sadly, the Iraqis being slaughtered right now can not do much about the environment ...neither can the Africans, nor the Chinese slaves.

    The real keys to change rest in a strata above that of the common man.

    in summary:
    if you really want to see a change in the environment
    -and you're not just a whiney bitch who cannot think;

    ...then tell Exxon /Esso, Dutch Royal Shell Corporation, British Petroleum, Boeing, General Motors, Ford Motor Cars, Bechtel Corporation, the United Nations, et-fucking cetera.

    ...tell them. because a lot of people would gladly get into a train, rather than an aircraft -just to hop from NY to Philly.

    ... a lot of people.

    • Individuals x individuals = public demand.
      We're the ones with the power. It has to start somewhere.

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