Earth Day

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • styleplus0

    Earth Day is a load of BOLLOCKS.

    It's simply a propaganda campaign to help bring exposure and support to the bullshit called 'climate change'

    'climate change' = PROBLEM
    bullshit like 'earth day' = venue for the public to have a REACTION
    global carbon tax = SOLUTION

    problem > reaction > solution
    -brought to you by the same guys who bring us all of the worlds wars, conflicts, skirmishes

    The global carbon tax will generate a whole new global economy centered around 'carbon trading'

    carbon trading, essentially taxes anything to do with outputting carbon.

    including humans that exhale CO2.

    corporations will be taxed for carbon output.
    individuals will be taxed for carbon output (including breathing)

    okay, so what's wrong with this? this isn't so bad right?
    it'll save 'mother-earth' right?

    The non-sense in all of this is that basic biology dictates the planet we live on thrives on carbon.

    Carbon is what I and you (the reader) are made of.
    if you're a dumbass, look it up:…

    That's all.

    • I got my own page.
      *How fitting.
    • How about Recycling is that Bollocks?! Its part of Earth Day to!iheartfun
    • You have no idea what you're talking about. Earth Day started in 1970 and had nothing to do with climate change.joeth
    • http://en.wikipedia.…joeth
    • Also, nobody is talking about taxing individuals for breathing.joeth
    • taxing breathing is further down the slippery slope.Prototype_a

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