printing on newsprint, A1 /A0

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  • kelpie0

    thanks spooks, I might expand this question a bit to paper in general.

    I'm looking for something low cost, which is light and pretty low fi, that can be printed on double sided (not bothered about print through, actually quite attracted to the idea), which will take 1 colour printing and fold up from a large size (lets say A1 rather than 0) down to tabloid or broadsheet size.

    Newsprint sprang to mind, but I may be off mark thinking its cheap or even suitable for the job. But a newsprint-esque quality is what I'm after (its the thinness and translucence), even if the weave of it is a bit tighter and the surface a bit closer to "proper" paper stocks...

    any bright ideas? I'm not a print guy so my paper knowledge is quite limited, I will be talking to paper suppliers and printers about this, but I'd like to go into those conversations armed with some knowledge, they aren't easy chats if you're not experienced at this stuff...

    thank you very much all for any help you might be willing to provide

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