Sydney became LAME

Out of context: Reply #81

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  • mikotondria30

    Yeh, I think very much the message is folded into the medium, the very act of making the art makes statements in many cases - I" am JA and I can scale walls like spiderman", in New York. "This building is ugly", "I live here too", "I can paint beautifully and thoughtfully, yet I choose to do it on an underpass in a bad part of town - can you think why ?", "I am witty and braver than you, yet I do this rather than work in the bank you're on your way to right now". etc etc etc. As well as to other artists, certainly theres a huge amount of inter-artist communication of all forms, flattery by imitation, hubris by developing new typographies, methods of execution, daring-do on placements, etc etc

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