Sydney became LAME

Out of context: Reply #31

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  • autoflavour0

    difference is when they make the crime so out of proportion to the punishment, it forces people to make decisions they should not have to make.

    ok change of scenery.

    say they introduced $2200 or 6 month jail for anyone caught with ecstasy, do you think that people will just treat it the same way.
    im not rich by any length of the bow, but $2200 is a pretty hefty deterrent.

    of course people will still do it, and yes nothing is illegal until you get caught, but if getting caught begins to out weigh what your doing.. your motivations change.

    graf has always been illegal .. but this isnt just that. I can be pinned for carrying things which COULD be used in illegal art. I might be using it in my own home on LEGAL surfaces and still be harassed by the cops if stopped etc.

    I have to prove my innocence without ever doing anything wrong.
    and for what, for carrying some paint or a marker.

    yes graffiti has always been illegal, but the punishment usually weighed in relation to the crime. even with that, most of the more persistent writers i knew of went down for long stretches not for writing, but the world went with it.

    so by increasing the punishment you are just shortening the cycle between street artist and criminal.

    and i think there is a important distinction here also, that is between writers and street artists. Not all street artists are writers. Stencils, paste ups, stickers.. alot of these are produced by people who dont tag or do pieces..

    naively saying that public space should not be reclaimed due to the actions of one part of a sub culture is just narrow minded. While a good percentage of the population detest tagging, i would put forward that a substantially smaller number of people would detest other forms of street art, and would infact enjoy what they add to the urban environment.

    akro, pain in the ass to the tax payers.. listen to yourself.

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