photoshop cs4 annoys the crap out of me...

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  • raf0

    First thing to do after installing a new version is to go through preferences - you would have found the tab switch there, had you done that.
    CS4 layout is very configurable in that respect - you can use tabs, no tabs, launch in tabs and detach each one manually.. it still lacks dragging stuff among spring-loaded tabs though. You have to detach tabs to drag-copy layer to another open document.
    The "application frame" setting to make photoshop look windows-like is fantastic. Finally, you can get rid of the distracting desktop and other application windows.

    • I have already Turned off "Open Documents as Tabs" and "Enable floating Document Window Docking" but this does not solve the issue of documents opening up maximized as a tabbed window (which is my biggest beef), this is especially annoying when "undocking" the first open document and then dragging a second document into PS. The second document opens up maximized as a tabbed window, BEHIND the floating document, which was opened first.

      Plus floating documents, "float" over all docked panels, such as the tools and options panels. The documents even float over the application toolbar (file, edit, image, etc)
    • drag the item over the tab, it'll then open the document and u can place itAkiraprise

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