portfolio site

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • 6 Responses
  • Nairn0

    - wot no home page content? you've got nothing to say, or you expect me to do all the work?
    - You should specify which pieces are academic studies.
    - Neither Llorente nor npr.org work?
    - I'm not sure why you've called your graphics 'print pieces' - you only have the book cover? I'd photoshop out the wrap glitch on the right hand side of those photos too.
    - I absolutely fucking hate indeterminate small block graphic links - i did 8 years ago when they were rife, I do today. Mystery meat navigation is lazy, presumptuous and naff. Thumbnails or text links please!
    - page titles & meta content would be useful if you've done your site entirely in flash.
    - the web section is completely shite - c'mon, try a little harder, man.
    - why the distinction between motion and reel?

    You have a brilliant name, for which I will ever admire you. But now you must live up to it. Be strong, Kirk - I know that deep down you are a titan.

    • thanks for your input, I'm taking notes.radish

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