flash sites in google

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • 23kon0

    Mr Aa77
    You definitely have to go do some reading about what makes for good search engine results.

    It's more than just keywords and meta tags.
    It's a combination of the meta tags and the RELEVANT content on your site as well as how well the information on the site is structured i.e h1/h2/p etc like mentioned above.
    It also depends on who is linking TO your site - and also based on the relevant information tied into doing so. And if you have a big corporate or popular site or university site linking to your site then thatl give you extra kudos too.

    Theres no exact science that will DEFINITELY get you to that #1 position. It's trial and error as well as knowing your stuff. It's also an ongoing process to keep yourself up the top.
    Big companies will battle for the top position and will invest a LOT of money making sure they stay at the top.

    Really funny when clients say "get me to the top of google"

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