
Out of context: Reply #12

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  • 13 Responses
  • Meeklo0

    What is the problem? Ar they forcing you to work there?

    Not at all.
    The problem is most people expect to see a competitive salary when a company that large (and may I add, living in San Diego is not cheap) offers that little.

    I can believe in a way it worries people, thinking that this is what's going on out there.. a big list of requirements in return of small wages.

    If you are not worried, then you:

    A) are not a programmer.
    B) are not a monkey.
    C) got your education for free.
    D) you live in a country where the monetary conversion is inferior to the U.S. dollar.
    E) love peanuts.
    F) are responsible for writing that ad.
    G) love working with animals.

    • it's san diego. they're looking to attract all those border-crossing web developers coming in from mexico7point34

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