2012 which sport to add?

Out of context: Reply #16

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  • Khurram0

    Hey chossy,

    I went straight Muay Thai. However i had "dabbled" in boxing and kickboxing in my teens - but when i say dabbled i mean, fuck all of any worth.

    The training for Muay Thai and Boxing is "pretty much" EXACTLY the same.

    What i mean is, though the technical training is very different, your general training, i.e what you do 90% of the time will be identical.

    This is - heavy focus on CONDITIONING, SPARRING, and ROADWORK.

    In fact, your first year or two even, thats all you'll do - you might get frustrated cos you're thrown into the deep end, but thats the "culture" of the sports.

    The aim is to get you "fight ready" as QUICKLY as possible - and sparring. That's where you learn with these arts - hard sparring, it's building real world intuition in real world situations quickly and effectively - and not wasting your time practicing weird kung-fu like contortions in slow motion.

    So yes - both Muay Thai AND Boxing are EQUALLY hard as fuck workouts - but with Muay Thai you will be a complete fighter - and, once you advance, you'll take in clinch work, grappling, groundwork, and if you fancy getting into the war arts (Muay Boran) you'll be doing head butting, eye gouging, multiple opponents, disarming, etc...

    Typical training for what i do in a two-hour Muay Thai session would be:

    5x3min round skipping (with burpees, pressups, situps, jump squats in between)
    15 minutes shadow
    30 minutes technique
    30 minutes sparring
    20 minutes - heavy cardio/abs/

    plus 3 times a week weight training (compound moves) plus 3 times a week 4 mile runs (with short sprints and hill running in between)*

    This is HEAVY DUTY SHIT. No athlete trains as hard as a combat athlete and has to face the pounding you get in a ring. NO ATHLETE. You gotta work on your aerobic system (10 round endurance), anaerobic system (short sharp bursts of energy), lactic acid system, and strength conditioning amongst other thigns.

    Boxing will give you that just as well as Muay Thai. Only you wont be suffering the broken ribs, broken noses, black eyes, lost teeth as much with boxing as you will with Muay Thai.

    *i'm a lazy bastard and i totally skip the running.

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