
Out of context: Reply #1134

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  • hallelujah0

    "And it was in watching the replay that I picked up my absolute favorite unsung moment of the debate.

    It came when Senator McCain was stumbling with Ahmadinejad's name. He was stumbling hard, almost unable to get the name or any semblance of it pronounced. Very quietly, but audibly Senator Obama can be heard saying something. In the first viewing, I knew he had said something there, but was unable to decipher exactly what he had said. In listening to the replay it's easy to hear his comment.

    He quietly acknowledged to Senator McCain "That's a tough one." When I heard his remark, his gracious nod to the Senator's struggle to pronounce a very difficult name, his compassion for the man, I choked up. It humbled me. It made me briefly look inward, and feel lesser for originally maybe hoping that it was some cutting barb. And it showed him as a man greater than politics, greater for inspiring empathy and compassion for a fellow man.

    Senator McCain's demeaning, belittling style in the debate has drawn criticism. Rightly so in my opinion. Some has been said of Senator Obama's gracious and respectful style, some even criticizing his style for not being more vicious, more attacking. But to me, the real measure of the man, not his "style", but who he is, came in that comment.

    It was a very quiet statement. But what it said about Barack Obama is loud and clear.

    This man is not only a great leader, he is a very good man."

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