
Out of context: Reply #70

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    whats up with the jameson?!?!?
    – CALLES1/15
    You are to nice!
    – rson2/15
    ohhhh... you dont want to see him drunk. i've seen it so many times already... not a good picture.
    – meltoni3/15
    so now he is a mean drunk or oisses in the sink?
    – CALLES4/15
    he's not a mean drunk. he just becomes useless.
    – meltoni5/15
    I can't stand being with someone who is a horrible drunk.
    – Jaline6/15
    Putting something special in that cupcacke?
    – Fariska7/15
    my point is.... when he gets drunk i get no sex.
    – meltoni8/15
    that could be an awesome idea. he can't sleep when he has pot and i could use a whole night of....
    – meltoni9/15
    so if youre not getting laid he's useless?
    – cannonball10/15
    but then.... he suffers from a heart condition and he's not supposed to smoke/eat pot.
    – meltoni11/15
    I feel really bad for this guy. thank good i do not date chicks that no how to turn on a computer ;)
    – rson12/15
    That's what bf/gr are made for isn't it?
    – Fariska13/15
    heheheh jk
    – cannonball14/15
    – meltoni15/15

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