
Out of context: Reply #66

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  • meltoni0

    last tuesday i helped him to move to his new apartment. in boulder. (btw... for two weekends i helped him to paint the whole place)

    so this past tuesday i send this email
    "happy first week anniversary at the new place"

    then..... on wednesday night...

    me: did you have a cupcake yesterday?

    him: are you kidding me? that would be so depressing... can you imagine me holding a cupcake with a tiny candle all by myself at that apartment?

    me: yes.... it doesn't strike as a good picture, sorry.

    tonight is his open-house dinner. he's cooking.
    only six people and he asked me to stay the night.

    i've got candles yesterday and i'm buying cupcakes for tonight.
    the one for him is gonna have a little candle on it.

    • whats up with the jameson?!?!?CALLES
    • You are to nice!rson
    • ohhhh... you dont want to see him drunk. i've seen it so many times already... not a good picture.meltoni
    • so now he is a mean drunk or oisses in the sink?CALLES
    • he's not a mean drunk. he just becomes useless.meltoni
    • I can't stand being with someone who is a horrible drunk.Jaline
    • Putting something special in that cupcacke?Fariska
    • my point is.... when he gets drunk i get no sex.meltoni
    • that could be an awesome idea. he can't sleep when he has pot and i could use a whole night of....meltoni
    • so if youre not getting laid he's useless?cannonball
    • but then.... he suffers from a heart condition and he's not supposed to smoke/eat pot.meltoni
    • I feel really bad for this guy. thank good i do not date chicks that no how to turn on a computer ;)rson
    • That's what bf/gr are made for isn't it?Fariska
    • heheheh jkcannonball
    • :Dmeltoni
    • i've had too many FB in my life already. i don't want him to be another one.meltoni

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