Help Justin

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • AllenF0

    Its funny that Hench doesnt want to start a moral debate, but the reason Paul has started this whole "Help Justin," is because of where his morals are.

    Around 2 years ago while I was at college, a roommate of mine paralyzed himself while diving into a pool. He shattered his 5th vertebrae (C5), leaving him confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He was in the intensive care unit as well as rehab for over 5 months. He was without insurance. Now paint a mental picture of how much something like that would cost.

    Close friends of his, as well as myself included, put forth a valiant effort to raise money for his medical bills. We had fund raisers, like what Paul has done, as well as concerts with bands that we knew around the area. Hundreds of strangers who didnt even know him came out, showed support and donated.

    You dont need to know Justin, or for that fact like Justin, but what you can do is try and relate to the position he has been put in. I know for a fact that he will rise back to the top because he is just that kind of person. But to have everything you've owned, everything you've worked for diminish right in front of your eyes has to be like a knife to the heart.

    I pray that Justin (and Nicole), get back on track to re-starting their life again. I do not feel that people need to publicly bash Justin for the situation he has been put in, nor do I think that Paul needs to be scrutinized for trying to be a good friend.

    All I ask is you put yourself in his shoes. If you lost everything, wouldnt you want your friends there to help support you?

    I think I made my point,
    (Justins Brother)

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