Last Night A DJ Saved My Life

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • mikotondria30

    Last century a dj saved my life, and played the best tune I'd ever heard at just the right point in the set, and the hundreds of people I was dancing with all went nuts and everywhere I looked every face was smiling, everyone was united by the sound and the feeling that there was a new way being, that we were free from the mundane power games of the media-centric society that we had been in, that somehow we had discovered the key to how the human race could put aside their differences and share in the moment, in happiness and love without fear and judgement, forever.
    Then they passed several arcane laws forbidding this behavior, and the clubs and parties became full of snide shits on cocaine, dispicable cunts in suits bastardised the music in something they label differently each week, and my gathered throng dispersed on the winds, each with a tale like this, angry and bitter at what had happened to a beautiful thing.

    • They commented on this phenomena in the seminal film The Matrix: Reloadedwrong

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