Digital Pecha Kucha @D&AD

Out of context: Reply #2

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  • citizen_h0

    yeah I went and overall I did enjoy it. I thought they were all good in many different ways apart from a couple. People who didnt talk about their work were more interesting.

    Personal experiences like Daljit from Digit talking about his trip to North Korea and the kids in the stadium holding up coloured cards mimicking a massive digital screen. The guy who had did the poem near the end was great.

    What annoyed me were 2 speakers. Nat from airside who spoke about digital designers and our carbon foot print etc which is a relevant subject and I dont have a problem with, but she just came across quite patronising and dull.

    The guy from poke seemed like he was just pluggin his sideline projects.

    But generally what I want to get from things like this is to be inspired and entertained.

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