I had a dream last night

Out of context: Reply #12

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  • nadnerb0

    I had the weirdest dream ever the other night - check this out.

    I've just gotten a job at this huge industrial farm place. My friend already works there and he's showing me the ropes, he takes me over to this gigantic barn where these cows are all piled up next to it, getting shoved into the barn. These were not normal cows, they were the size of elephants and all rubbery and bouncy, in a huge bouncy pile.
    So then my friend lets me in on a secret, and makes me swear not to tell anybody. The workers there smuggle food onto the farm, inside the cows' stomachs. So like a cow would have a turkey in its stomach, and they had this secret method where you burrow into the side of the cow towards the stomach, the action of burrowing would heat the stomach up, so precisely at the time you arrived at the stomach the food inside would be perfectly cooked and utterly delicious. . . like the best food you ever tasted.

    Then I woke up and said, what the FUCK?

    • i can see why you asked that...madirish
    • You don't taste or read in dreams. Different part of the brain.Mimio
    • I can read but I'm also a lucid dreamer.ninjasavant

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