In remembrance of 4,000

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • liquid0

    dobs.....I am not saying that bush in every single thing he has been a proponent of has been wrong... however, this one ...I can undeniably say that he was.

    Afghanistan made sense. Still does. Even special ops on the pakistan border... a harder line with Iran and North Korea... would have been the right moves... but this is just a waste.

    A lot of people say we should move completely out of Iraq... however, I don't think we will ever be able to.

    We never truly ended the war with North Korea. It is an ongoing 30+ year cease fire and we currently have 20,000+ in South Korea.

    I read this on a blog about it "Here's the thing about the U.S. troop deployment in South Korea: they are there to die. That's the meaning of a "tripwire" force. The North has one million men under arms. It's generally accepted that in the event of a war the U.S. troops will be pretty thoroughly worked over as the initial assault pours across the DMZ. The death of these GIs is supposed to make it impossible for the U.S. not to come to the aid of the South. A very similliar situation occurred just a decade ago when the 101st Airborne was rushed to Saudia Arabia during the invasion of Kuwait. No one thought that they would be able to stop Iraq if they choose to invade, but their deaths would insure that the U.S. would fight a war.

    So the lopsidedness of the Korean deployment comes not from the number of troops but from their intended purpose. The fact of the matter is that the small U.S. contingent has a weight far beyond its numbers. When the North Koreans look across the DMZ they do not see a small opposition force. They see a superpower with advanced weapons, millions of men and women in uniform, and an active if unused draft system. That's the deterrent."

    So as unfortunate as it is to say... we will never pull out of Iraq completely. The difference is.... we went to Korea for good reasons. Iraq was a sovereign nation with a bad leader.

    If we take this as the new witchhunt strategy.... we should invade china, cuba, north korea, iran, venezuela, and the list goes on....

    Jefferson spoke about it "We wish not to meddle with the internal affairs of any country, nor with the general affairs of Europe. Peace with all nations, and the right which that gives us with respect to all nations, are our object." --Thomas Jefferson to C. W. F. Dumas, 1793. ME 9:56

    • 100% agree with you on Afghanistan, but Bush dropped the ball even on that.TheBlueOne

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