Oh Lord... RIP

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • harlequino0

    Well frankly, I don't really buy this whole "falling prey to greedy relatives" rebuttal. Anyone in a medical field being pressed by relatives to end a patient's life were it not an absolutely painful or terminal situation would immediately raise red flags. Even if euthanasia were legal, it would most likely still be a very touch practice in the medical world, and carry heavy ethical baggage and standard practices.

    What I'd really like to see is an honest debate and discussion between doctors, philosophers, lawmakers, whomever, about this whole default notion of "sanctity of life." It seems like that always trumps things. That somehow life in and of itself outweighs anything else. This carries into the abortion debate obviously. I'm not saying one thing or the other, but it bothers me that it's not discussed at all.

    What I am saying is that I don't necessarily buy the notion that "life" as a concept is all-important and trumps everything else. It's certainly not reflected by our behavior as a species when you examine how we treat our natural resources, animals, or other cultures.
    I'm also not saying that I think it is far lesser than it appears. But I do think we need to discuss what it means, and how we feel about death, and what we know about death.

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