Casual Racists

Out of context: Reply #14

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    I have a mate who has an uncle that heralds from the Westcountry and has quite old fashioned values on this subject. Anyway, him, his Taiwanese girlfriend and half-cast (hate that term, but I'll go with it) I popped in to visit on the way back from dropping some stuff off in a van. He goes to the door and rings the bell. His uncle apperas, obviously pleased to see him. He points to the van and waves us out. The look on his Uncle's face as he saw us get out of the van was priceless. It was a look of 'what the hell is my nephew doing smuggling a van load of immigrants into the country?'. When his uncle asked how he knew me he was astonished to find out we'd known each other for 13 years and virtually been neighbours in the small town he grew up in for most of that time.

    • i hate the term half-caste. mixed race is better. half-caste makes me think of half-thrown/damaged pottery.vespa
    • I thought of that as that was the term his Uncle used. Then had a mental blockcreative-
    • thats very funny tho' c beyond how tragic it generally is.Spookytim

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