New MacBooks!

Out of context: Reply #36

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  • mg330

    Let's talk about this for a moment:

    I'm making the switch from a 2003 built 2.0 Ghz Celeron with 1 GB Ram that is slowly dying. I'd love to not spend a fortune on a new computer, new software, etc and am trying to stay around $2K - $2.5K total.

    I used the current MBP's at the store and they were great, so fast. I'd be using this at home 85% of the time with an external keyboard and mouse.

    The new specs are great. I get a discount through work, and with tax am looking at $2,004 for the low end MBP.

    But with the prices on refurbs, and knowing the huge improvement that will be over my current comp., it almost seems like the right thing to do - get a refurb. Hell, I'd almost get an imac and a macbook for better portability.

    I could save a ton by getting a refurb - who has them and what was the quality like when you received it? Did you feel like you were getitng a brand new computer?

    • I've not tried the multi-touch yet. Is that worth it? Is it a great, breakthrough thing?mg33
    • i have gotten 3 refurbs in the past and had 0 problems.....all of them were just like a brand new one.linearch
    • ie. ipods must get new casings as they get new serial numbers which are engraved.rafalski
    • what new parts come in refurb computers? Any?mg33
    • they look and work 100% new, that's all we know. the rest is apple's secretrafalski
    • do it. had my last iPod and it works fine. never heard anything bad. sometimes they come with more in it than describedpascii

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