I pod touch

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  • Raniator0

    i've got one and i really like it.

    safari works great, and having mail on it is awesome. the keyboard is pretty quick to type with so sending (short) emails is pretty easy and quick.

    music playback is possibly it's weakest point, but only in so much as to change volume/forward/rewind etc you need to take it out of your pocket, push a button, and wipe your finger across it to unlock it – with my old 4th gen you could do that from within your pocket (if you see what i mean)... hardly a gripe, but if you've got your hands full it's a bit of a pain in the arse...

    • maybe an on-cable volume slider is an answer?rafalski
    • yes, possibly. don't get me wrong, that's only a small thing. they are very nice bits of kit.Raniator

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