Democratic Debate

Out of context: Reply #64

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  • mrdobolina0

    But only the Republicans that make up those families right TheBlueOne?
    (Sep 27 07, 09:22)

    Hah. I might've agreed with that a year ago, but now....fuck...both parties represent corporate interests..the dems just protect the big Financials and Banking and the Repubs got energy and what's left of the Retail/Manufacturing ..
    (Sep 27 07, 09:58)

    Thanks man. That was my point. BOTH sides, not just one.

    I should have used the // in my post.
    (Sep 27 07, 11:12)

    This kind of talk makes me think about my friend who WAS a republican, laqbeled himself as a republican etc.

    Then all these scandals started happening and he couldnt bring himself to say republicans were crooks, so he just says "they are all crooks".

    see what I mean?

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