God's warriors

Out of context: Reply #614

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  • ethered0

    "seriously, it's regretful that only few see the core of evil.

    the rate of fingerpointing between the two parties is far beyond comprehensible.

    america should go for a more complex system with multiple parties, like her ein Europe. At least things don't get so black and white as it does in the US.

    I really think this Good vs. Evil, Black vs. White, that the US is so known for in the world is going to turn against them, it already did i think.

    Increase of complexity unveals nuance, the grey tones will appear, and people will think more before they speak.

    And lo and behold, perhaps the Americans will not be considered as politically backward.

    Not my opinion, just the general consensus.

    Not because the US IS backward, but because it is a nation with a lot of power, technology, wealth and a self proclaimed moral superiority to the rest of the world.

    Those facts, do incite criticism from the rest of the world.

    Oh well, this is an era in which everyone is learning harsh lessons i hope. Even those who assume themselves on higher moral platforms."

    We have been discussing this for years but the smaller parties trying to come up have been unsuccesful. Nader, Perot... they have tried to no avail.

    People like it easy here. We invented the value meal.

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