God's warriors

Out of context: Reply #363

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  • gramme0

    incog, you hit the the nail on the head. Brook, it's obvious that nothing I say could ever cause you to stand back and wonder "hm, he might have a point there." You have clearly proven that you were entirely shut off to the possibility of God's existence, the gospel message and the notion of creationism. It's pretty sad and it proves nothing except your bitterness and illogical hatred of people who believe in things that don't make sense to Brookoioioi Almighty.

    You know what? Faith doesn't make sense to people outside of it. God is by nature supernatural and thus superlogical, above and beyond the limits of our logic and limited mental faculties.

    That being said, I think it is worthwhile to address some of your thoughts, as I find it necessary to answer such blasphemy and attempt to pacify such vehemence.

    ""fallacious claims? Prove it. I've said before that I can't fully prove my belief in creationism because NO ONE WAS THERE WHEN IT HAPPENED. You can't fully prove your belief in Darwinism because NO ONE WAS THERE WHEN IT HAPPENED."

    Fallacious claim number 1.

    This is such a pitiful argument, murders happen when no-one was there to see them, police investigate the crime scene, forensics and such, maybe find some DNA and identify the killer. Doe you really expect me to believe someone has to see something happen to work out what happened?


    Any fool can see that when a court of law finds enough evidence against a murderer, even if there were no eyewitnesses, the defendant is determined to be guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Without witnesses, however, no crime can ever be proven absolutely. There is always the possibility of misread evidence (i.e. Darwinism), and suspects being framed (i.e. people such as yourself who predetermine the outcome of an argument).

    When the evidence against a suspect is compelling enough, the court's collective mind is at ease knowing that there isn't a large margin for error in their judgment. You however, refuse to accept the possibility of a biblical God who created the world because you don't like the idea from the get-go. God help me from ever being tried by such a jury if I am ever put on trial for a crime.


    ""There simply isn't a need to belittle someone's intelligence or to say that God is a myth when you CANNOT prove such a notion."

    Fallacious claim number 2

    The burden of proof is on you to prove gods existence, not in the form of voices in peoples heads or a warm fuzzy feeling inside you but with solid evidence that can be examined independently."


    Thankfully, the burden to prove God's existence is not on me. He does that well enough himself. Your blindness makes it impossible for you to see that. I can try to explain things to you until I am blue in the face, but ultimately it is not my job to produce God or any god for that matter. If there is a God or gods, he/they will prove themselves to those with eyes to see.

    Have a read of Scripture, all of it. It is without flaw. Every loophole that entrepreneuring skeptics have found can be resoundingly disproven. I speak in general terms here since you have not yet made a specific claim about any part of Scripture being false. If you do choose to present possible loopholes that you come across, I am happy to discuss your findings. I will often have answers, but sometimes I will not. This goes back to my point above that God is superlogical and cannot be fully understood by us humans until our minds are perfected and the mortal veil is removed.


    "Forget all your science, there is a fundamental, untenable flaw in the Darwinist model that deflates the whole framework of theory, right down at the root of it all. Darwinism at its core is a philosophy, and a very poor one at that."

    Fallacious claim number 3

    There is mountains of evidence supporting Darwinism, literally mountains. If it wasn't so it would be rejected by the scientific community, thats what science is about. Just because you haven't read or understood the volumes upon volumes of real, hard, verifiable evidence doesn't mean it isn't there and accurate.

    There are so many more asinine and scrambled ideas in your posts i hardly know where to begin, but to bring it back to the beginning, someone claiming to be a deity incarnate is not evidence, if god exists, he could demonstrate it in a undeniable way that would leave doubters like me no option but to believe. All the anecdotes of personal experience of god are not evidence of anything except self delusion.
    (Aug 27 07, 15:15)


    The above rebuttal can be directed back to my courtroom analogy. I believe that the physical historical record has been misread by Darwinists. Flagellum has pointed you to numerous places where this has been brought to light. Thus the verdict, while accepted by the general court of scientific "law", may have been proven in most minds but still has a margin for error. Face it, absolute truth has not been created by Darwinism. There are too many missing links, too many ambiguous fossil records, too many inconsistent findings from the antiquated method of carbon dating (too much room for error there).

    While I believe in the God of the Bible and a world created by him, I cannot prove it to you beyond a reasonable doubt. You are right that someone claiming to be deity does not a God prove. Completely correct. This was however not the thrust of my point. The God-proving in his coming to earth was in his death and resurrection. His subsequent 40 days among the living has been documented by many: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Res…

    ...Of course, as you may see in this wiki entry, there are theories attempting to poke holes in it, and some with stronger arguments than others. As hard as many people have tried (see James Cameron's recent efforts) to debunk the resurrection story, it has yet to be disproven. After 2000 years.

    You obviously are not impressed by such things. At the end of the day, I am happy to be a fool for Christ. I can sleep soundly at night knowing that there is a truth out there that is bigger than me, and that it will prove itself in spite of my best efforts and worst mistakes.

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