no jail Scooter

Out of context: Reply #141

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  • TheBlueOne0

    ... i'm discussing PERJURY. It's a crime - it has consequences... none which took to Clinton... ;)

    (Jul 3 07, 13:49)

    Indeed it is a crime.

    a) Clinton was never convicted of it. It was alleged and the Congress proceeded on Impeachment charges based on the allegation of it,

    b) Clinton was impeached and disbarred. Fairly significant consequences for alleged perjury.

    c) Heck 'll concur that Clinton committed perjury with his whole "I did not have sex.." line. Although it was a sideline line of questioning in an ongoing witchhunt by Republicans into his financial dealings that bore zero fruit.

    d) Libby was convicted of perjury lying directly about the matter at hand in an ongoing investigation. One about taking the country to war on false pretenses.

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