
Out of context: Reply #138

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  • breathe0

    First of all, despite how upset you are for not getting paid yet, I do not think making a public announcement after two months of waiting appropriate or professional manner to resolve this. This is something internal, and should be kept between two parties. Two months is a short time frame. If you were waiting a year, and had tried calling, and emailing, than maybe, and even than I've had unpleasant situations with people flaking on me and I never went public. Going public can sometimes backfire, because you read one side, but there is another side of the story. And people end up taking sides, and sometimes not in your favor even if you are the victim.

    2nd, you should have a contract, some agreement even for comps. That should protect ethical and professional matters, and even then people/companies can decide not to pay. You can try calling, try other routes before making this a live post on News Today.

    3rd, if all fails with trying to get your payment in, than you have a decision to go live, but I would definitely not suggest after two months. Most companies do not pay right after, and depending on the agreement of this work from start (not just verbal)...many times you ask for a deposit and that is on contract. Which should protect you. And I'm sure hydro74 doesn't want their company to be defamed like this, so you could have warned them or advised about your actions. Not sure if that was the case.

    4th, unfortunately small to big firms in the industry can fail on their behalf. From sending payments to hiring people who fail. I've hired people who do not get the job done even with a contract. And I do not get it.

    And the main issue in this situation seems to be lack of communication. One side avoids to buy time, and the other person who is waiting on cheque goes nuts. So if there is some communication and understanding, I'm sure even with some delays you'd at least be hopeful that Hydro74 would pay you and inform you when that could be with apologies.

    As much as I sympathize with someone leaving you hanging, wished that didn't happen, being professional can also be shown by the person waiting to receive money and how they react to situations/crises. That can also reflect on your future work. And by all means if this was the right step for you, than okay. Just hope Hydro74 can inform you about the payment and resolve this, so it isn't a gossip column on who did what and left me hanging.

    Good luck with resolving this.

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