cryptome shutdown

Out of context: Reply #25

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  • Brookoioioi0

    no, i mean i just really like that last paragraph of yours and may keep it for a signature.

    Important stuff trying to be supressed follows :

    "Bottom line, the Coast Guard was
    asleep, they screwed up big time, the contractor knew they were
    asleep, so they proceeded to rape the Coast Guard... A whistleblower
    at Lockheed came forward (no, it wasn't me), the DHS-OIG investigated and found nothing, the DOJ investigated and uh... let just say that we will hear more about that later. Anyway, I figured out who they were pulling off the scam, and wrote a report, and then the report came out early this week (for the hearing mid week) the Coast Guard does an "oh-sh*t... we have been caught" and starts scrambling to do something ... anything between last week and the hearing date to show
    they are trying to be proactive (hence then announcing that they just cancelled the Lockheed Contract). Lockheed on the other hand is screwed, and screwed bad. During the hearing they (as a company, and four of their senior executives) got caught dead committing perjury ...
    and I mean they got caught dead."

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